Music Policy Forum Summit

Music Policy Forum Summit
Friday & Saturday, October 26 and 27, 2018
The Music Policy Forum Summit is an international conference that shines a spotlight on some of the most compelling, inspiring and sometimes frustrating developments in public policy, innovative thought leadership, research, technology and culture. Presentations, interviews and roundtable discussions will be provocative and challenging. Intense small group conversations will allow for high-level, focused explorations of critical topics that are central to moving the field forward.
Come join a community of hundreds of musicians, policymakers, activists, researchers, nonprofit leaders and other key communities in a highly curated, two-day exploration and celebration of what is coming next.
Topics to be covered include:
The Future of Noncommercial Radio
A Look at Data Driven Policy
(Best practices in local research and implementation)
Actionable Strategies and Initiatives that Support Music
The Future of Music Journalism
Integrating housing/economic development and music
policies at the local and federal level
Technology Showcase (including a Blockchain tutorial)
New Approaches to Music Education
on Georgetown University’s main campus in Washington, DC
The conference is free to Georgetown University Students with a valid ID.
For more information, contact
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