Undergraduate Research FAQ

Point of Contact

For Theater & Performance Studies, Prof. Maya Roth, Director of Undergraduate Studies, TPST. For Music, Prof. Benjamin J. Harbert, Director of Undergraduate Studies, MUSC.

Philosophy of research

Scholarly research (media analysis, historical, ethnographic, etc.) culminates in a written capstone or research-creation (original artistic works that engage the performing arts or time-based recording).

How to get started

Ask a faculty member whose research and/or creative works interest you. Or contact the department for opportunities. For majors, it begins with capstone advising, often a full year of Senior year, sometimes less. Mentorship is one-on-one and generally dependent on student projects. We also offer the Department of Performing Arts Summer Creative Research Awards yearly.

How to get connected with a faculty mentor

Usually through a capstone proposal that targets a full-time faculty advisor. Research assistants are supported through GUROP or faculty research funds.

Earning credit for undergraduate research

Through courses that require research, such as the program capstone.

Getting paid for research

Undergraduate student workers occasionally support faculty research.

Thesis or capstone research

Students in the department conduct research as part of their capstone.