
Two-hour street parking is available, both metered and unmetered, off the main gates of Georgetown University on 37th and O Streets until 9 or 10 p.m., depending on location. Please check parking signs/meters as applicable. After the designated time, there is no hourly limit.

Additional limited parking may be found on the Georgetown campus in the parking garage located in the Southwest Quadrangle (SWQ) off the entrance to campus on Canal Road.  Visitors should use 3611 Canal Road NW as the address when mapping directions using GPS. The garage now accepts credit cards.

Visitors parking in the Southwest Garage will now pay the hourly rate, up to the daily maximum rate, Monday through Saturday. The daily max is the maximum price that will be charged over a 24-hour period.

Parking will remain free on Sundays, and rates will resume on Mondays. During all other times, visitors will be charged the hourly rate. Rates vary by time of day. Please see the chart below for visitor rates.

Visitor Parking Rates

Monday – Friday Rates

Saturday Rates

Rates are subject to change. More information about parking on campus can be found at

View the University’s parking information and driving directions to campus.