Theater News

GU Theater & Performance Studies Professor Christine Evans Receives Howard Foundation Fellowship

Playwright Christine Evans, an Associate Professor of Performing Arts at Georgetown University, has won a Howard Foundation Fellowship  for 2020-21 to support work on two projects: Three Marys: A Chamber Opera (in collaboration with Australian composer Andree Greenwell), and Truck and Train, a new play loosely inspired by Walter Benjamin’s attempted escape from Europe during World War II. The George A. and Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation  is an independent foundation administered at Brown University. It awards a limited number of fellowships each year for independent projects in selected fields, targeting its support specifically to early mid-career individuals, those who have achieved recognition for at least one major project. A total of nine fellowships of $35,000 were awarded in April 2020 for 2020-2021, in the fields of Fiction, Poetry, Playwriting and Theater Studies. 
