Created by Fatima Dyfan (C’21)
Co-Produced by Black Theatre Ensemble and Theater & Performance Studies Home Season
Directed by Mar Cox (C ’16)
Advised by Prof. Maya E. Roth
Advised by Prof. Derek Goldman
GU Theater & Performance Studies Program, in partnership with the Program in Disability Studies
Saturday, April 24, 2021, at 8 p.m. ET (VIEWING PARTY)
There’s a Little Black Girl in the window. Coily-haired… always scared… waiting in the window for the morning light to wash me. Look beloved, you glow. With just that little bit of sun, you can grow. This is the remix to Black womanhood for the Black community – wellness, the journey and drama, history, and of course, the trauma. It all goes to a beat. And, in this mixed-media piece for several performers – we are talking about movement and jokes, music I listen to that my mama told me, don’t, a freestyle of memories and prayer.
This new work by Senior Fatima Dyfan, an African-American Studies major and TPST minor, celebrates the magical journey of a Black radical feminist in the making.
View the performance through the GU Dept. of Performing Arts YouTube channel.